A commercial lighting problem on Black Friday
(The following is a dramatization.)
When you’re trying to operate a store in the Fort Mill, SC area in the last weeks before Christmas, the one thing you don’t want to be worrying about is the commercial lighting. We ran a home furnishings store that depended on customers being able to see exactly what the furnishings looked like in home-like light. We got our Christmas lights up the week before Thanksgiving and turned them on while everyone else was home eating turkey, giving us the chance to have them all working in time for Black Friday… or so we thought.
The last thing we needed at a time like the morning of Black Friday with a store crowded with unruly shoppers was for the power to go out, but sure enough, that’s what happened. We had backup power, so at least we could ring up purchases, but we couldn’t run our Christmas lights, our storefront sign was dark and as soon as the sun started getting low in the sky, we were going to have to go home… on the biggest sales day of the year. We needed repair right away.
Electricians to the rescue
Fortunately, someone remembered that our commercial lighting company, the people who had helped us set up the commercial lighting offered emergency electrical services for businesses 24 hours a day. We weren’t sure they’d be coming, or that they’d get here fast enough — electricians need to go shopping too, after all — but they came in a matter of minutes. Isolating the problem with the lighting and sorting it out took less than an hour.
This is why it’s a good idea to find a commercial lighting company that can do more than just commercial lighting — design, installation and repair. If they can also perform electrical work with the same commitment to quality, and can be there when you need them at any time of the day or night, that’s perfect. A company that provides reliable service saves you from not only loss, but unpredictability.
A commercial lighting and electrical service company in Fort Mill, SC
Pyramid Electric Service are commercial lighting design and installation experts. This company is licensed to work in North and South Carolina and serves the greater Charlotte area, which includes Charlotte, Rock Hill, Fort Mill, Indian Land, Marvin, Weddington, Matthews and Waxhaw. We offer a range of interior and exterior lighting services for homes and business. Expertise.com rated our company one of the top 25 electrical contractors in the Charlotte area. Be sure to ask us about our 24-hour emergency service. Call the electricians you can trust. We have been serving York, Lancaster, Mecklenburg and Union Counties since 1963.